Work With Us
We’re always on the lookout for brilliant teachers and instructors – either to cover classes, teach pop-ups or to fill some spaces on the timetable.
Pilates Teachers
Pilates is at the heart of The Well House – and we offer expert instruction, built from a strong understanding of anatomy. It’s really important to us that Pilates is accessible to everyone. If you’re a great teacher, confident at teaching mixed levels and a number different pathologies (eg. back pain, arthritis, hip replacement, spinal issues, frozen shoulder, injury rehab) then we’d love to hear from you. A friendly, warm manner and ability to connect with members in our small classes is imperative.
Please send us a brief bio, a description of your teaching style and your most recent teaching experience. A video of your teaching is also very helpful, if you have one.
We’re ideally looking for:
Thursday evenings
Friday morning
Cover teachers
Yoga Teachers
We’d love to add new and different types of yoga to the timetable, offering our members a broad range of classes. If you’re confident teaching a mixed-ability class and adjusting content to best suit the people in the room, the please get in touch J Making yoga accessible to everyone is really important to us – gentle tactile cues are great, but we don’t have a hugely physical approach to teaching; allowing each person to go at their own pace. Yoga at The Well House is all about being accessible, fun and offering people a full hour of me-time, so that they leave feeling wonderful.
We’re ideally looking for:
Friday late morning/lunchtime
Thursday evenings
Cover teachers
Men's yoga
Workshops and pop-ups
If you’re a teacher with a great idea for a pop-up or workshop – please let us know! Our pop-ups are Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Please send a brief bio, a description of your teaching style and your most recent teaching experience. We’d also love a short video of your teaching, if you have one.
Wellbeing practitioners
Please get in touch if you’d be interested in running a workshop or pop-up class/session.
Craft people
Crafting and using your hands is amazing for wellbeing, and we’re looking to add more craft-based workshops to the timetable this year. This could be a half-and-half ‘yoga and craft’ style session, or a longer pure craft workshop.
Please get in touch if you'd be interested.